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JURE PUKL TRIO feat. Josh Ginsburg & Gregory Hutchinson
Jure Pukl (SL/USA) – tenor saxophone
Josh Ginsburg (USA) – doublebass
Gregory Hutchinson (USA) – drums
Trio is consisting of highly acclaimed international musicians that are coming from Jazz tradition but are exploring new music, music of 21st Century. You will be listening to Jure’s original music as well of originals from other band members. What this trio creates is a unique type of modern jazz, avantgarde, free jazz and impressionistic contemporary music performed with a great deal of knowledge and love, giving prominence to the interplay between band members. The music still has that groove and bouncy feeling so it won’t let you sit still. A trio Journey!
Jure Pukl
“Jure Pukl is a brilliant saxophonist who is forging an honest and original path in contemporary improvised music. His playing and compositions evoke a humanistic quality that is, full of expression and spirit. If a spirited, well defined, singular voice is what you’re looking for, Jure is the answer.” – Greg Osby 2017
Jure Pukl was awarded with the highest national award for Arts in Slovenia (Nagrada Prešernovega sklada 2015) and is one of the most profilic and creative saxophonists of the younger Slovene jazz generation. Pukl obtained university education abroad, he studied classical and jazz saxophone at the University in Vienna as well as at the Haag Conservatory of Music. Pukl then won a scholarship to the Berklee College of Music, where he pursued his studies with masters such as Joe Lovano and George Garzone. He completed his masters degree in music at the Graz Academy of Music. Throughout his studies Pukl performed and recorded extensively, being engaged in his own projects, as well as working with a number of great musicians such as Branford Marsalis, Dave Liebman, Esperanza Spalding, George Lewis, Vijay Iyer, Jeff “Tain” Watts, Damion Reid, Darius Jones, Doug Hammond, Gerald Cleaver, Adam Rogers, Melissa Aldana, Rodney Green, Charles Altura, Joe Sanders, Aaron Goldberg, Marcus Gilmore, Gregory Hutchinson, Johnathan Blake and orchestras like Big Band RTV Slovenia, European Jazz Orchestra, European Movement Jazz Orchestra, Vienna Saxophone Quartet, Nouvele Cousine and many others. He has been touring extensively throughout USA, Asia and Europe performing in venues such as Blue Note Milan, Smalls Jazz Club, The Jazz Gallery, Ronnie Scotts, The Vortex, Pizza Express, Porgy & Bess, Stadtgarten and festivals like Moers Jazz Festival, Vienna Jazz Festival, Pori Jazz Festival, Berlin Jazz Festival, Jazz a Vienne, Cairo Jazz Festival, to name a few. His music has won him many awards; among others the 2005 first Jury Prize and Best Composition Audience Award at the Jazzon International Music Workshop and Festival in Novo mesto, Slovenia. In his auctorial projects, such as the Virus quintet, Abstract Society or Sound Pictures (receive rave reviews, among others on the influential Downbeat, Jazzwise, Jazzpodium and Allaboutjazz Web portal) Pukl dedicates himself to modern interpretations of jazz. What he creates is a unique type of modern jazz, avantgarde, free jazz and impressionistic contemporary music performed with a great deal of knowledge and love, giving prominence to the interplay between band members. He already published 8 CD’s under his own name recieved rave reviews all over the globe. He is also featured on more than 50 other projects as a sideman.
As an educator Pukl has a lot of great experiences. He was teaching at a High School (College level) in his hometown of Velenje, Slovenia for 2 years. After that Pukl taught at a Music School Retz in greater Vienna area in Austria for a 2 years. He also gave masterclasses and workshops all over the world, from Japan to Israel and USA. Pukl also leads a jazz workshop every year in his hometown; he brought in mentors like Kurt Rosenwinkel, Gregory Hutchinson, Melissa Aldana, Joe Sanders just to name a few. The workshop is called Creative Jazz Clinic Velenje and it attracts over 80 students from all over Europe every year.
“Jure Pukl & Melissa Aldana play as one throughout and with the support of Joe Sanders and Greg Hutchinson the music is rich with a passionate expression that is timeless…Jure put together a beautiful recording that flows like the wind.” Joe Lovano, NYC 2017
“…Pukl combines the skill, soul, and appetite for adventure that has fuelled jazz evolution from the beginning, and he’s a rising star of a creative new generation that is energetically driving the music on into its second century.” John Fordham | The Guardian | London April 2012
Josh Ginsburg
Bassist and bandleader Josh Ginsburg is a regular fixture on the world’s concert stages and jazz clubs. His music has been described as “vigorously fresh” (Irish Times) and “reveal(ing) itself in gradually unfolding layers” (JazzTimes); his most recent album as a leader, “Zembla Variations”, was chosen as an Album of the Year by the New York City Jazz Record. Josh’s bass playing, Financial Times (London) writes, is “a rock of counterpoint, funk and swing”
In the past few years, Josh has been touring with bands led by Kurt Rosenwinkel, Greg Osby, Jeremy Pelt, George Colligan, Logan Richardson, Aruán Ortiz and Helen Sung (among others). As a first call New York musician he performed with countless influential players such as Tom Harrell, Mulgrew Miller, Mark Turner, Robert Glasper, Jeff “Tain” Watts, Gregory Hutchinson, Ambrose Akinmusire, and Aaron Parks.
Josh was born in Baltimore, Maryland, where he absorbed some of that city’s musical roots. “I think there was a rhythmic intensity that I learned in Baltimore from the very beginning, as well as a deep love of the jazz tradition.“ Josh went on to study with jazz trailblazer Jackie McLean: ”From Mr. McLean I learned the value and beauty of melody and lyricism. But even more importantly through him, and through the many great musicians I have worked with over the years, I began to see what I value the most in all my musical experiences, the open-hearted spirit of a true improvisor.”
Gregory Hutchinson
Jazz Magazine describes him as “the drummer of his generation” and indeed, Gregory Hutchinson is one of the most highly respected musicians of our time. His mastery of timing and expression of rhythms is at the core of his personal style. He is a musician’s drummer, soundly rooted in the jazz tradition he is able to approach all styles of music with supreme accuracy and imagination, decorating compositions with his natural feel and mind blowing innovation.
The Brooklyn native began to nurture his passion for playing at the very young age of 3. He recalls his first drum set lasting a total of 5 minutes, “I proceeded to put the sticks through the drumhead and not on top of it. I didn’t know about Ted Reed stick control” he muses, “and now fast forward many years, here I am.” His dedication to the instrument was apparent in junior high school and his instructors took notice. At the young age of 12, he would arrive at school an hour early each day and stay behind an hour after. He was encouraged to audition for two music high schools and describes his not being accepted as “the best thing that could have happened to me.” It encouraged him to spend the next four years practicing and also led him to Justin Diccicio who became his mentor. Diccicio’s former students had been Omar Hakim, Kenny Washington, Marcus Miller and Steve Jordon. By accepting an apprenticeship under him, Greg had not only entered a lineage of supreme musical talent, but he had acquired a teacher who was serious in helping him become a professional musician.
His professional career began right out of high school, when he was introduced to Red Rodney after playing in a Big Band for a year. He quickly became known as a young phenom in the jazz community sharing the stage with the likes of not only Rodney, but Betty Carter, and Ray Brown while still in his early twenties. He is one of the few musicians today who had the opportunity to collaborate with some of the great orginators of jazz music. Since then he has worked with a virtual who’s who of the jazz world including: Dianne Reeves, Betty Carter, Wynton Marsalis, John Scofield, Roy Hargrove, Charles Lloyd, Diana Krall, Harry Connick Jr, Joshua Redman, Christian McBride and Maria Schneider as well as many other’s. His time signatures and beat compositions have won him praise from the hip hop community as well leading him to work with powerhouses Common, Super producer Kareem Riggins and Questlove of the Roots.
His experience and technique make him one of the most exciting musicians to watch and hear. He has the creative power to not only nurture, but challenge the very art of drumming. Dianne Reeves describes him as “Pure Genius.” Gary Giddins described his drum work as “Elegant” and more “like dancing.” Joshua Redman describes him as “Inspired.” To Hutch, his goal is to play the drums like Charlie Parker plays the horns, “I want to sing on the drums the way he sings on the horn.” If history is any indication, Gregory Hutchinson will indeed continue to be a formidable presence in the musical community.
Mariborski glasbeni entuziasti so leta 1991 ustanovili Toti big band. Začetki so bili skromni, a meseci in leta trdega dela so prinesli svoje.
Toti big band predstavlja v svoji glasbeni zvrsti enega izmed ambasadorjev mariborske kulture. Pa ne le v Mariboru in Sloveniji, zapisali smo se na zemljevide tudi izven naših meja. Poznajo nas vse od Lendave do Portoroža, od Ptuja do Bleda, neznanka nismo niti v Varaždinu, v Zagrebu, v Avstriji in pobratenem Marburgu v Nemčiji. Več sto javnih nastopov, osemnajst zgoščenk in vrsta radijskih in televizijskih posnetkov je dokaz, da članom orkestra v vseh sedemindvajsetih letih ni presahnila volja do izvajanja kvalitetne in poslušalcem všečne bigbandovske glasbe. Vsa leta se z nami družijo najbolj znani slovenski in tudi tuji vokalni in instrumentalni solisti ter skupine, ki dopolnjujejo naše bogate glasbene programe. Toti big band že vrsto let kot dirigent in umetniški vodja uspešno vodi profesor na trobenti, skladatelj, aranžer mag. EDVARD HOLNTHANER.